However, at turn-off, the diode current reverse for a reverse recovery time trr before falling to zero. 然而在关断时,二极管的电流在降至零之前有一个反向恢复时间。
The results were that TX-KA101's its driving voltage is reasonable, have three-sect current protection, its soft turn-off time and over-current protect threshold value can be regulated. 测试结果表明,TX&KA101输出驱动电压合理,具有IGBT过流三段式保护,慢关断时间和过压保护阚值可调。
The three key technologies of tobacco toasting autocontrol system are to be realized stably temperature collecting, to be protected data after turn-off, and real time clock function. 烟叶烘烤自动控制系统的三大核心技术是实现稳定的温度采集、掉电保护、实时时钟功能。
Analyses on Turn-Off Time and On-State Voltage Drop of a New Type of Thin Emitter Thyristors with Low Loss and High Speed 新型低损耗快速薄发射极晶闸管关断时间和通态压降的分析
The turn-on and turn-off of power devices under zero voltage are realized with addition of dead time. The power supply for GTO gate driver is developed by use of the converter. 通过设置死区时间实现开关功率器件的零电压开通与关断,利用该变换器研制出GTO门极驱动用电源。
A novel dynamic switching method is put forward to optimize the turn-off process of IGBT, which can restrain the over-voltage and reduce the turn-off switching time and losses. 提出了动态关断的方法优化了关断过程,在小的关断时间和关断损耗下抑制了过电压。
To the measurement of turn-off time of thyristor, the author puts forward a new approach based on the analysis of the traditional approach as well as on the study of the turn-off characteristic and turn-off pattern of thyristor. 本文简要介绍了晶闸管的关断特性和关断方式,并通过对晶闸管关断时间传统测量方法进行分析,提出了晶闸管关断时间测量的新方案。
The key technique of transient electromagnetic transmitter is to resolve the problem about the turn-off time and linearity of current impulse on high power projecting. 如何在大功率、大电感情况下实现电流脉冲短关断延时和下降沿高线性度是瞬变电磁发射机的关键问题。
Having much less turn-off time, eliminating the current over-shot and improving the turn-off consistency, the proposed snubber is suitable as the load energy snubber of TEM transmitter. 实验证明,推荐电路具有关断延时短、正负脉冲一致性好、无过冲现象等特点,适宜于TEM发射机的负载能量吸收电路。
Error voltage vector generated by dead-time, switching devices turn-on and turn-off time are introduced. Weakening methods that consist of decreasing carrier frequency and decreasing direct current bus voltage are educed. 给出因死区时间和开关器件开通、关断时间引起的误差电压矢量,依据误差电压矢量的表达式,采用降低载波频率和减小直流母线电压的方法削弱死区效应。
The contradictory relation and requirement of turn-off and turn-on time in constructing a 20 KC 100A thyristor are discussed. 本文讨论了20千周正弦波100安可控硅元件的关断和开通时间的对立统一关系和要求。
Whether the turn-on time of the same arm thyristors was uniform or not, the turn-off time was always identical. 无论导通时刻是否一致,同臂号晶闸管的关断截止时刻总是相同的。
So, how to improve the tradeoff relationship between turn-off time and forward voltage is a key problem in power devices. 因此,提高开关速度并改善正向导通电压和关断时间的折衷关系是这类器件的关键问题之一。
Besides, high diffraction efficiency, low threshold and turn-off voltages and fast response time are necessary gauges to evaluate the holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal Bragg volume grating. 另外,在衡量全息聚合物分散液晶Bragg体光栅的性能时,高的衍射效率、低的阈值和关闭电压和快的效应速度是必要的参考指标。
Therefore, the study of turn-off time of RSD and the improving of measurement accuracy is important on our application of RSD. 因此,有关关断时间检测的研究以及测量准确度的提高对我们应用RSD有着重要的意义。
Considering the influences of the thermally induced diffraction losses and the turn-off time of AO Q-switch on the dual-wavelength pulse, a rate equation model describing the actively Q-switched laser with AO modulator has been established. 在考虑到热致衍射损耗及声光开关时间对双波长调Q脉冲性能影响的基础上,给出了描述LD泵浦调Q双波长激光运转速率方程模型。